En colaboración con Jacob Sunderlin
In collaboration with Jacob Sunderlin


Intervención en la biblioteca de Djerassi Resident Artists Program, California (EEUU)
Intervention in the library of the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, California (EEUU)


Los PINK POEMS (POEMAS ROSAS) son textos muy breves que escondimos en diferentes libros de la biblioteca de Djerassi. Cada uno de esos poemas guarda una relación con el libro que lo acoge, de manera más o menos directa.

Tratan de definir, o más bien, no-definir, el concepto PINK. PINK es todo y es nada al mismo tiempo, tiene infinitas formas y dimensiones, y es contradictoria: es contestataria, es azul, es cursi, o es un ready-made.

Además de darle un significado extenso y abierto al término PINK, estos poemas pretenden reconsiderar todos aquellos constructos sociales que se asocian al género femenino a través del color rosa. Los PINK POEMS se apropian de ese color, y proponen diferentes características y valores, jugando con las palabras, sus significados y sus simbolismos.


The PINK POEMS are very short texts that we hid in different books in the Djerassi library. Each of these poems has a relationship with the book that houses it, in a more or less direct way.

They try to define, or rather, not-define, the PINK concept. PINK is everything and nothing at the same time, it has infinite shapes and dimensions, and it is contradictory: it is rebellious, it is blue, it is cheesy, or it is a ready-made.

In addition to giving a broad and open meaning to the term PINK, these poems aim to reconsider all those social constructs that are associated with the female gender through the colour pink. The PINK POEMS appropriate that colour, and propose different characteristics and values, playing with words, their meanings and their symbolisms.